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The Wound Care Clinic of New Mexico

Our Wound Care Clinic identifies the underlying causes of poor wound healing and provides an aggressive program of healing using therapies such as wound debridement and advanced wound care treatments. 


It is our goal to treat patients with the utmost compassion, dignity, and respect; providing recommendations and guidance of treatment until the wound is healed. 


How do I access the Wound Care Clinic?

You can be referred to our Wound Care Clinic by any healthcare provider (patient does not need to have an active infection to be referred to our clinic).  See "Referrals/Appts" above


Referrals to our Wound Care Clinic can be for any wound on any part of the body. 


A few examples of wounds we treat are:

  • Any hard to heal wounds  

  • Wounds that fail to show improvement within 4 weeks

  • Medical conditions that can impede healing

  • Wound-Vac Treatment & Management

  • Various Types of Ulcers

  • Pressure Ulcers

  • Cancer Therapy Wounds

  • Surgical Wounds

  • Compromised or failing skin grafts or flaps


Types of Therapy offered...
  • Debridement: This is the removal of dead tissue and other materials that must be removed from a wound so that healthy tissue can grow.

  • Compression Therapy: Compression therapy is the use of elastic stockings and bandages on the legs and feet to increase the return of blood from the lower extremities and reduce edema, or swelling.

  • Bio-engineered skin: This is the use of skin substitutes that are sometimes needed to offer full closure of certain wounds.

  • Negative Pressure Wound Therapy:  Such as wound-vacs.

  • Work with Home Health Agencies to assist with patient's wound care  

  • Home Wound Supply Orders:  Many wound supplies are covered by a patient's health insurance when ordered by a healthcare provider

  • Other specialty products as indicated

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